Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mike Fisher...

Ok so anyone who knows me, even my boyfriend, knows I have a soft spot for Mike Fisher.  I'm definitely one of those people who is very excited about the engagement news of him and Carrie Underwood.  What a cute couple. 

I read the following article about her wedding ring, estimated to be at least $150,000.00.  Some people are saying that it's too big.

Is there really such thing as too big for a famous country singer and an NHL heartthrob?

Read the article here.

More to prove that proposals aren't dead...

An article I just read on says that December, or even Christmas time is one of the most popular times to get engaged.  Often more than Valentine's Day

Read the article here.

If you have a great holiday proposal story.  Let me know, I'd love to hear it!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tia Photography

A friend of mine recently introduced me to a local photographer, I'm a big fan of her work.

We've been discussing putting up some of her photography on here and here is what Christina had to say about her company:

Tia Photography was started 3 years ago, it is my own self stared company and I am the only photographer, Tia is me! It is my childhood nick name my Grandmother and family called me, so my company is very close to my heart!

I have been shooting, self taught since I was 17 years old. I lived in the country and practiced on my surroundings and my new daughter.  I worked in Social Services until making the career change and going to Algonquin College and graduating in May 2009.  I decided it was time and my company was started and has been going ever since! I shoot family portraits, maternity, newborn, couples, and weddings. I have a studio in my home. I feel totally, 100 percent in love with what I do and soooo grateful! My clients have advertised for me the past 3 years and kept my company growing! I am so lucky. It's been hard, but all worth it.

Christina is a great photographer and has a great eye for an image.  Please check out her site, and check back for more wedding features.  You might want to catch her before she gets too popular!

Monday, December 14, 2009

How far is too far?

I read this article the other day, and couldn't believe it.

Cosmetic procedures for a wedding??  I instantly thought this was going too far.  I thought about it and teeth whitening, ok.  Botox, I don't really like the idea... but surgery for a wedding?  That seems like too much.

What are your thoughts?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Proposals aren't dead...

I knew I couldn't possibly be the last hopeless romantic out there.

A little while ago I wrote about an article I saw on CNN that suggested that people were just agreeing to get married over casual discussion, leaving out the surprise and romance.

The other day I read this post on another blog site, What Junebug LovesLaurel, a Seattle, WA photographer tells the story of a proposal/engagement soot that she was recently involved in.

The cutest story I've heard in a while... This is what movies are made of!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

"I Me Wed"

It sounds like a silly idea, a silly title for a silly movie.  While, my mum caught it on t.v. not so long ago and told me about this cute little movie she just saw.  Turns out that it was filmed in our fantasic city, although, according to the film they were in Boston.

There are some great shots of a picnic by the canal, a great centretown home, and an apartment building on Bronson.

It's not an Oscar Award winning film, but it is a movie that entertained me for the evening.  It was empowering for girls, with a strong message that, we don't NEED a man to make us happy.  BUT that's not the whole message.  The movie goes on to show that being true to yourself, with or without someone else, is the important part.

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It seems to be a big topic today...

So please check out White Knot.

As it says on the front page, the White Knot is a symbol for marriage equality.

This page is very informative, gives facts about same sex marriage. The map below shows where the world is at currently with respect to same sex marriage and the punishment for it. That's right there are still places in this world that punish people for being themselves.

From the White Knot page.

Same sex marriages are legal in Belgium, Canada, Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Spain, and Sweden. Many other nations have same-sex civil unions or registered partnerships. See a complete list. This map also shows nations where homosexuality is punishable by law, even death. (Note: Not shown on map, Nepal now permits same sex unions but does not have an official law.)

██ No information

Homosexuality legal

██ Same-sex marriage

██ Civil unions or other recognition

██ No recognition of same-sex couples

██ Foreign same-sex marriages recognized

Homosexuality illegal

██ Minimal penalty

██ Large penalty

██ Life in prison

██ Death penalty

The next battle over same sex marriage

New Jersey, it the next state to propose a bill that would allow same-sex marriage.

Please read the article here.