Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It seems to be a big topic today...

So please check out White Knot.

As it says on the front page, the White Knot is a symbol for marriage equality.

This page is very informative, gives facts about same sex marriage. The map below shows where the world is at currently with respect to same sex marriage and the punishment for it. That's right there are still places in this world that punish people for being themselves.

From the White Knot page.

Same sex marriages are legal in Belgium, Canada, Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Spain, and Sweden. Many other nations have same-sex civil unions or registered partnerships. See a complete list. This map also shows nations where homosexuality is punishable by law, even death. (Note: Not shown on map, Nepal now permits same sex unions but does not have an official law.)

██ No information

Homosexuality legal

██ Same-sex marriage

██ Civil unions or other recognition

██ No recognition of same-sex couples

██ Foreign same-sex marriages recognized

Homosexuality illegal

██ Minimal penalty

██ Large penalty

██ Life in prison

██ Death penalty

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