Friday, October 30, 2009

Perhaps a little book club?

My friend just introduced me to a new series of books written by Nora Roberts. I've never read anything by her before but it's a series based on a group of friends who have this wedding planning company. My friend thinks I'll like these little romance novels... The first one is called Vision in White.

I'll let you know as I go.

and then my daughter can wear mine...

Weddings are full of traditions and superstitions, it's suggested that maybe we are drifting away from the things we "have" to do.

As I was doing some research the other day I came up on an article suggesting that more and more brides are selling their dresses after the fact.

Click here to read the whole article.

Are we getting less sentimental? Is making money back really the most important thing?

What do you think? Will you keep your dress and have it stored away properly? Alter it? Sell it? and if you sell it, what would you put the money towards?

Please leave me your comment!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I call it focused, not obsessed...

Just more of me and my opinion on the drama that is Justina McCaffrey's career these days. I don't mean that in a bad way, it's just amazing what she has been going through and I really do feel bad because I truly believe that she is so creative and good at what she does...

While Ms. McCaffrey is working hard to build back her career, it's unfortunate that every time she does create a new dress, it's reported as a Justina McCaffrey designed dress. Not everyone knows her story and people still think of the little boutique on Sussex; not the woman who put all the work and effort into creating the dress.

When you google Justina McCaffrey, sure her new site comes up first but right after it is the brand that everyone is so familiar with.

Here's what I think, (and I hope Ms. McCaffrey sees this, I would LOVE to help see her beautiful dresses become as famous as they were, with her getting the credit) what Ms. McCaffrey needs is a new brand. Somewhere she can start again. I love the idea of the Phoenix, rising from the ashes to become something new... there's a beautiful constellation named after it, the branding of stars and feathers reminds me of one of those amazing dresses from the fashion show years ago. Again, maybe over stepping my bounds as a complete nobody in the fashion world but she needs new photos of her new dresses. I volunteer my friend and I to come in and do it for her. We are good with our cameras, I promise.

Off topic, but Good news for Ottawa!

This has nothing to do with weddings but it's very exciting Ottawa foodie news.

The Enroute magazine has just come out with this year's Top 10 New Restaurants in Canada. Ottawa has not one but 2 restaurants on the list!

Congratulations to Ottawa Chef Marc Lepine of Atelier, #4 in Canada's Top 10 new restaurants!!

Also, congratulations to Murray Street Restaurant at #5.

Click here to see the article!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A wedding in paradise.

Destination weddings are quickly growing in popularity, I just attended one in Hawaii this August, a beautiful ceremony and a perfect day, I couldn't have wished for more for Graeme and Danielle!

This is a time when a wedding coordinator makes a huge difference. Using someone in that city, or someone who is in your city but can take the time to find the best vendors for you is really important to making your day the best it can be.

Wedding Coordinators are also great for destination weddings because they can make sure that all the requirements are met for your marriage to be legal and transfer back to Canada. There are different requirements for each country, some require blood tests, others require you to be in the country a certain amount of time before the wedding. A coordinator can make sure that all of these details are taken into consideration.

Here are some of my pictures from Graeme and Danielle's traditional Hawaiian ceremony.

Talk to me!!

If you have any vendors you would like to rave about...
beautiful pictures to share...
or questions about your upcoming wedding...

email me at

I'd love to hear from you!!

Co-ordinator? part 2

Why do people hire a wedding coordinator?

People hire wedding planners for many different reasons. Wedding planning takes a lot of time, these days our lives are busy and we are so quick paced that someone who can focus their time and energy into the research will put that time back into your schedule.

Perhaps the bride and groom are planning the wedding from out of town, someone who knows the area and the vendors is a great help.

Many brides don't know where to start, are unfamiliar with the industry they need guidance and the skills of an organized coordinator, there are a lot of details to cover?

A wedding coordinator that is associated with your venue is a great help to ensure that everything at the venue is correct, however, their job stays at the venue. They don't coordinate your flowers, linens and any extra touches.

The most important reason in my mind for a coordinator, is for the day of your wedding. Who will be responsible for setting up the decor, making sure everyone has their flowers, all those little details that make your day run smoothly. It is so important for the bride to be able to enjoy her wedding day, and do you really want your bridal party and your family members running around, or do you want them to enjoy your day too?

Co-ordinator? part 1

What is a wedding consultant or coordinator?

A wedding coordinator's role will vary from client to client. The coordinator will be there as much or as little as you need. Some people will want a wedding coordinator to be there and plan the wedding from start to finish, other clients will just want someone to answer questions and recommend vendors that will fit their budget.

To help with this wedding planners offer a variety of services: ranging from complete coordination, hourly consultations or day of coordination.

A wedding planner has many roles to play during the process of planning and executing a wedding, problem solver, mediator, organizer and director.

A wedding planner should not take over your wedding, they are there to guide you through the process to create YOUR dream day!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

True Love

So really this blog is about weddings... tonight is less about weddings and more about what goes into the successful marriage.

After a busy night at the market restaurant I work at, I decided to stop in at one of my favourite places, Zoe's Lounge at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier (which does host a number of Ottawa's weddings and top events) to unwind and listen to the beautiful music.

I was inspired to write by this beautiful and classy couple that come in every so often. They must be in their late seventies, they come in, have a late dinner and then dance to Natalie's beautiful music. They are so in love and it gives all the staff and patrons hope that true love is out there.

It's just one of the forms of love I saw tonight, new couples, married couples, people who have just attended a wedding in the hotel and people just loving to sit and listen to Natalie sing and play the piano.

Love really is all around us.

Friday, October 23, 2009

War of the Rosettes

A couple weeks ago there was a very interesting article in the Ottawa Citizen about Ottawa's bridal icon, Justina McCaffrey. Over the last couple years she has been going through a hard time.

The article talks about, the boutique being bought in 2007, by her then brother-in-law, and in 2008 Justina being denied access to the store with her name on it. It also quotes Bridal boutique owner Newell Fox, of Solutions Bridal in Florida, who has continued to carry McCaffrey gowns since Justina left the company and says the "design hasn't dropped a bit."

When I was younger I used to stand outside that little boutique with the beautiful dresses in the window. In 2004, working on a Fashion Show in the market, I had the opportunity to dress a couple of the models in these amazing gowns. It was quite an experience for me. Now walking by the store the dresses are not as beautiful or exciting. Is this a change in style from year to year, or a reflection of the change in ownership?

Click here to go to the full article

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My first Post

Another wedding season has passed. This was a good one for me though, a bit of a Renaissance for me. No longer a hopeless romantic without an outlet, I have a fantastic boyfriend, my aunt got married for the first time at 50 and I have had the opportunity to brush off the wedding magazines and start helping a few of my friends plan their upcoming nuptuals.

That's what brought me to creating this site. I've been trying to get into wedding planning for years, the industry excites me! I've been trying to find a good resource for Ottawa brides to go to, feel comfortable asking questions and getting the answers they are looking for. What venues are good options for them? How do these colour match? How much should I be spending on photography? Plus great ideas for do-it yourself projects to help keep the budget down. I also wanted to find a place to show Ottawa vendors, we have some great ones here!

Please stay tuned for updates... I can't wait to share my passion with you!