Saturday, October 24, 2009

True Love

So really this blog is about weddings... tonight is less about weddings and more about what goes into the successful marriage.

After a busy night at the market restaurant I work at, I decided to stop in at one of my favourite places, Zoe's Lounge at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier (which does host a number of Ottawa's weddings and top events) to unwind and listen to the beautiful music.

I was inspired to write by this beautiful and classy couple that come in every so often. They must be in their late seventies, they come in, have a late dinner and then dance to Natalie's beautiful music. They are so in love and it gives all the staff and patrons hope that true love is out there.

It's just one of the forms of love I saw tonight, new couples, married couples, people who have just attended a wedding in the hotel and people just loving to sit and listen to Natalie sing and play the piano.

Love really is all around us.

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