Tuesday, November 24, 2009

And she's back in the game!!

Hi everyone!

Sorry for my little disappearance in the last week or so. I was crazy with work and then off on a well deserved girl's weekend with my mum and sister to the fine city of Boston.

Why is it that everyone's reaction is "Why Boston??" It was a random choice that brought us to Boston (and the hopes of seeing my favourite football team, which didn't happen this time).

We did some of the tourist stuff, took in a lot of American history! Also, quite important to a good girl's weekend, we found some shopping time.

Walking around after dinner on our first night there was a store that just drew me in! For the unbride, or just a bride who is looking for a great vintage shop please check out designer Michal Negrin. This store located in Faneuil Hall Marketplace is full of romantic and feminine accessories, clothes and paper products, including a bridal line.

A showroom by appointment only is located in Port Hope, ON.

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