Monday, November 30, 2009

what a pessimistic view...

The people writing the "Relationships" columns on the CNN page all seem to be a little jaded, today while I was reading I came across this article Are Marriage Proposals Dead?

The article is suggesting that the idea of a proposal isn't the same now. That people talk about getting married, shop for a ring together and that's it. Kind of the way Carrie and Mr. Big did in the Sex and the City movie.

Are we losing all our romance, the element of surprise, the grand gestures? I really hope not. I've admitted before to being a hopeless romantic, I've had friends tell tales of scavenger hunts, grand speeches, proposals on hikes in the mountains and renting of skating rinks. Is it wrong to want to be surprised and swept off our feet? I want a story that I will be able to tell forever and that will make my friends jealous.

I think maybe I just need to cut my self off of romance novels, and cheesy romantic movies... or maybe I'll just hold on to my hope that romance isn't completely dead.

Does anyone have a great proposal story to share?

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