Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Finally time to relax!

Once I am given time to relax, I love to read.

I spent the day on Saturday, catching up on my favourite Nora Roberts series, The Bridal Quartet.  I really did read it all in one day!

Savour the Moment, tells about wedding baker Laurel's romance with her best friend's brother Del.  From reading book's 1 and 2 it wasn't a big surprise that Laurel finds love with her best friend's brother or that he had feelings for her and we already know at the start that they will be together, after all it is a romance novel.  The book does give you the in's and out's of good friends getting used to seeing each other in a new light.  It's a light, easy read that is easy to get lost in.  Perfect for a beautiful day at the beach or in the park.

Now I can stop searching Chapters until November when the final book is released.  It's Parker's turn for love next!

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