Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Eco-Wedding Seminar in Toronto!

Hello to all my Ottawa and Toronto friends!

I am working with Katie Martin Editor-in-chief of Eco-Beautiful Weddings, an online magazine to put together her seminar up here in Canada!  The seminar will be held in Toronto, I know it's a bit of a drive for us Ottawa folk, but if enough people are interested, perhaps we can create a little car pool of people to go to Toronto for a Tuesday in May!

We are looking for all types of wedding professionals who would like to participate!  Hopefully at least 1 photographer, 1 decorator, 1 florist.

The seminar is $200, as long as you register before March 8.  On March 8th, the price goes up!  If you are a little nervous at the price, please consider this: with the registration for the course you will not only get the seminar, you will also receive very valuable advertising by way of a photo spread we will put together at the seminar for the 1st International magazine focusing on Eco-friendly weddings (Eco-Beautiful Weddings)and a listing as an Eco-friendly vendor.  It's definitely worth it!

For more information and registration information please click here.

We are very excited!!  Let's show her what Canada has to offer!  I know there are so many talented people out there!

A little about Katie:
Katie Martin is one of the world’s leading eco-friendly wedding experts.  She has owned and operated Elegance & Simplicity, Inc. since 1998.  Her firm has designed 1000’s of eco-friendly events and has been heralded internationally by magazines, newspapers, blogs and other forms of media. Ms. Martin is also the Editor-in-Chief of Eco-Beautiful Weddings® Online Magazine & Blog.  She has 3 books that will hit bookshelves in 2010

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