Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Go Green!

This past weekend in Ottawa was the Go Green! Expo.

A great idea, free admission (a suggested donation going to World Water Day) and lots of vendors on hand to teach us how to be a little more gentle on our environment.  Well it would be great to be eco-friendly completely, it's not always feasible so look for ways that you can make little changes to contribute.

I came across some great products by Green Beaver, who carries my new favourite lip gloss... and incase my opinion isn't good enough the same lip shimmers were featured in Canadian Living magazine.  My mum and I are very much enjoying the organic cranberry hand soap as well.  To add to how great this company is... that they are located in Hawkesbury, just outside of Ottawa and their products are in health food stores everywhere!

A cute little treat I found that could be used as a favour was the Clean Air Tree Kit made by the World Clean Air Foest Initiative (WCAFI) with every tree kit that you buy, they plant a tree as well.  Just think of all that Clean Air!

At the expo I had the opportunity to try lots of great vegan and organic foods including a fantastic organic ice cream by Mapleton's Organic (the mint chip was delicious!).  My highlight was visiting my new friends from Auntie Loo's Treats, watching her seminar on how to veganize Grandma's recipes, eating cupcakes & walnut coffee cake (yes this is a theme for me) and checking out the amazing Nintendo cake!

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