Monday, March 15, 2010

Tasty Treats!

I had two very interesting meetings on Saturday, the first one was a little unplanned.  I had been wanting to visit a local bakery since it's opening and had either been too lazy or it was too cold to make the walk from my apartment.  So Saturday morning I rounded up my boyfriend with the promise of baked goods and headed off to Auntie Loos' Treats.  Auntie Loos' is little vegan bakery on Bronson, run by Mandy Loo and her very talented team.

Following the trend I've had recently, the whole team was very friendly.  Mandy told me all about her products, business and how she came to open her own little store.  Kate showed me some cupcakes she was working on for a bachelorette party that evening.  Her specialty is vegan baked goods, however she also makes gluten-free goodies, all the treats are priced the same as she doesn't think that anyone with a special diet should feel punished.

After a nice little visit, I left the store with a great sample of goods: cupcakes, scones, brownies and cinnamon buns.  Little did I know, but we had made it for the Cinnamon Bun Saturday (the only time during the week they are made).

You really should get in and try them, you don't need to be vegan to enjoy!  Trust me you will not regret it!  (Earl Grey Lemon cupcakes are to die for)

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